When you need some extra oomph!
Everything in Geovey Standard
Unlimited image/audio hosting
Private Domain
Multiple themes
Private hosted instance
99.99% SLA
Access to dedicated support agent
Geovey Professional gives you all the advantages of Geovey Standard but with all walks and themes hosted within your own dedicated environment. You will have deeper control over your branding and domain name. In addition, there are no restrictions on the amount of audio/video/imagery you upload to create and publish your walks.
With Geovey Professional you can publish multiple themes for your organisation and group walks/routes accordingly. For example, separating heritage walks from nature rambles. You will be able to add multiple-users to your configuration and collaborate with each other on walk creation and management.
Geovey Professional comes with a guaranteed uptime Service Level Agreement of 99.999% uptime. You will also be given access to our support desk with priority response and the email address of a dedicated support agent if you need to escalate any queries you may have.
Your instance will be hosted in its own dedicated container instance along with a guarantee that you will gain access to this container were Nautoguide to cease trading, thus offering further peace of mind that your hard work will never be lost.